Dinosaurs in the Attic Page 32
Chapter 18
*57 The following description of the theft relies heavily on the True magazine article, and it should be pointed out that Kuhn had his own reasons for glamorizing the theft, as he was beginning negotiations with film producers at the time. The actor Robert Conrad helped Kuhn rewrite the article, and it was certainly to their advantage to make it as exciting as possible. There are accounts of what happened that do not agree in all details with the story presented here. In my opinion, however, Kuhn's is the most reliable, since it is a firsthand account written shortly after the robbery.
*58 Even his release from jail on a later charge in December 1984—twenty years later—merited front-page news in New York City.
*59 There are two varieties of jade: nephrite and jadeite.
*60 Since then, a fifty-ton jade boulder has been discovered in Alaska.